JOG-A-THON TUESDAY, MARCH 11: The Jog-A-Thon has begun!
Students can earn prizes while helping us reach our $30,000 goal.
Visit 99Pledges to find your student’s page and start collecting donations
- just $50 per student will get us there!
Join us to plan a big party!
We are starting to form a committee of parents to plan Jog-a-thon.
Many hands make light work!
Meet us Wednesday, Dec. 11th right after drop off at 8:10 am -9:10 am in MPR.
Donuts and Coffee will be served.
- Learn more about the Jog-A-Thon!
- We want your ideas!
- We want to hear about your past experiences!
- ALL ARE WELCOME! Hope to see many of you there!
Any questions? Please email jogathon@